Toppings for chicken breasts.
Hi. I've been grilling chicken breasts with paprika and a little garlic...and it's fine for now, but I can't think of what else to put on them to switch it up a bit! I'm worried I'll get bored. Any ideas? E x
Dieting and alcohol!?
I'm one of those people who enjoys a drink (I'm a student), and there has been many a time when I've been worse for wear because of drinking on an empty stomach. How can I drink AND not go over my calories? I'd drink low-calorie drinks such as gin, but even one of those is around 100cals. I don't even want to THINK about a…
I'm one of those people who enjoys a drink (I'm a student), and there has been many a time when I've been worse for wear because of drinking on an empty stomach. How can I drink AND not go over my calories? I'd drink low-calorie drinks such as gin, but even one of those is around 100cals. I don't even want to THINK about a…
Doing harm eating under cal goal?
Hey. My limit is 1200 cals per day - at the moment I'm eating about 900 of those per day. I'm perfectly fine, in fact I'm often full, and I am eating healthily. The only thing I wondered about is that when I complete my entry, there is a warning saying I may be putting my body into starvation mode which makes weight loss…
Anyone giving up anything for lent?