Looking for supportive friends
I'm starting over AGAIN and I really thrive on others support and I give support when I can. I go through ups and downs like so many of us do so I understand the frustration but we need to keep going. Feel free to add me if you like.
Support needed as I yo yo
In 2012 I reached my goal weight and since then gained all back plus some. I yo yo back in worth from success and failure and thrive on support. I have so little self esteem my depression is a constant enemy of mine. Please friend me if you feel you can help. Any help is appreciated.
Motivation greatly need
I have been on a roller coaster ride with my weight over the last couple years and I just had to buy new shorts that are 2 sizes larger than I was. I was in tears in the dressing room. I am so over this but I need support. I'm single so I have no boyfriend/husband for support and I suffer from depression an anxiety so I…
Carbs and sugar?
I always go over on my alotted numbers for carbs and sugar but thats because I eat alot of fruit. Is it still bad to go over or since it's from fruit is it ok? Does the body digest "natural" surgar and carbs better or is ther no such thing as "natural" sugars and carbs?
HELP!!! Need Motivation.
Last november I reached my goal weight and since then I have gained about 20 lbs back and no longer fit in my new clothes I was so excited about buying. I thought maybe if i put up some motivational quotes around my house that might help me. What is your favorite motivational quote?
I need more motivated "friends"
I joined MFP last year and did very well and I hit my weight lose goal then fell apart. I got back up again only to get sick for some time. Between meds and their weight gain side affects and not being able to work out much, I am not near my gaol weight. I got the ok to start working out agian, but no high impact. I am…
What new camera to get?
I'm in the maket for a new digital camera. I don't want to spend more than $300 on it if I can help it. Any feedback on cameras you like and/or dislike would be helpful? There are so many out there it can be hard to choose without feedback. Thanks
Painful heel
I've never had pain in my heel before but for about the last 2 months the pain has been getting worse. At time I can barely walk. Any ideas of what I can do to heal it (besides staying off it). I bought better insoles for my shoes and that is not really helping at all.
Which New Cell Phone
I'm in the market for a new cell phone but have no idea which one to get. I am cell phoned challenged LOL I use the phone for texting, camera, and internet. Please share your thoughts on which phones you like and/or don't like. Thanks
Spin Bikes
I want to buy a spin bike but so confused on which one to get. If anyone has feedback on which ones you like and/or hate please share with me.
Any opinions on the Proform Tour De France stationary bike?
It looks like an awsome bike but is it worth all that money?
What is this Macros I see people talking about on MFP?
I have never heard of this until MFP, what is Macros?
When I run I get a terrible pain in my side.
I'm new to running and didn't know if this was normal or if I'm doing something wrong that's causeing this to happen. If you got any ideas for me I welcome them.
recommend good workout dvd's
I am looking for some good work-out dvd's but I want ones for cardio/areobics no weights involved in the workout. Anyone know of any good ones out there?
Work-outs cause you more acne?
I'm 38 and still have to deal with acne but it's worse when I work-out. Anyone else have this problem and know of anything that helps?
In a motivation free fall, HELP.
After 5 months and 20lbs I hit a rut. The last 3 to 4 days I haven't followed my diet and did no workouts. Anyone have some motivation tips or ideas for me? ( I have no money so can't go to gym or get new equipment :sad: )
Extremely picky eater; HELP
Anyone know some "good: diet foods that are very basic. I'm very picky I don't like alot of things but it gets boring eating the same thin all the time