2 Weeks ago I started the 100 push up challenge (with an initial test of 12 push ups) and decided I might as well do the 200 situp (crunch) challenge while I'm resting between sets of push ups. Tomorrow I do my second test and I'm curious on just how many I'll do going straight for maxing. (I did 20 yesterday on my last…
.... by donating blood. I'm curious how much of a blood donation isn't "water weight". I know the donation as a whole is somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.2-1.5 lbs with all the vials and the extra small bag of blood. Does anyone donate blood for this added benefit?
Unfortunately 2 out of 3 times I visit this site there are ads on top and on the side suggesting donuts, restaurants, and many other fattening things. Does anyone else have this situation?