Anti-motivation ads

Unfortunately 2 out of 3 times I visit this site there are ads on top and on the side suggesting donuts, restaurants, and many other fattening things. Does anyone else have this situation?


  • Maggie1960
    Not me - I have an ad for a car at the top, and ad for Weight-watchers, Home Body wraps and Orlistat diet pills running down the side.
    Are you sure the ad is for doughnuts and not some new-fangled diet food that looks like a doughnut?:laugh: :laugh:
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    I have seen them. They are Groupon ads. I just ignore them, but I have never been a sweets lover. I like savory. The ads for the tomato/pepper soup/juice stuff make me hungry.
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    No idea... I get them quite a bit too. MFP doesn't have control over the ads that come up... and I'm sure they are contributing to helping this be a free resource, so I just try to ignore them. :) The food ones don't bother me as much as the Jillian Michaels and other "get rid of your fat size 8 body" ones do (okay they don't actually say that but half the time the people on them are already thin!)
  • christinafpdx
    My Groupon ads are for soap that look like doughnuts. Now I have one for Domino's.
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Yea I get those a lot. I also get the '1 rule for cutting stomach fat' a lot. Lately I have been forgetting they are there... I've kinda blocked them out and don't pay attention to them. It's always garbage ads so why bother looking right? :laugh:
  • coniconstance
    coniconstance Posts: 321 Member
    Mine show pics of donuts and cupcakes and such.. but in my area Groupon really has some good deals. Going to the Jacksonville Zoo and get a train ride all for 6 dollars a person! Going to get a great work out walking in the Zoo, it is HUGE.
  • Families_R_Forever
    :wink: YES!!! One day I was craving sugar SO bad and those darn colored cream filled cookies came on....I WANTED THEM BAD! But hey we are always going to have things thrown in our face and we have to learn to turn away. I figure it is good practice :)
    Also I don't mind really cuz this site is FREE...which I LOVE more than cookies :wink:
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    I very rarely see ads! I guess I should be happy not to see them...
  • snsd0017
    To stop all the ads on these websites, you can use a plugin Ad Blocker for Firefox and it's called an extension for Google Chrome.
    I think internet explorer has it too but i'm not sure what it's known as.
    They are the best as you have an option to block these annoying ads on the sides or the top.
    Check it out, i'm using them and they really work.
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    Unfortunately 2 out of 3 times I visit this site there are ads on top and on the side suggesting donuts, restaurants, and many other fattening things. Does anyone else have this situation?

    I said the EXACT same this the other day. How is on a weight loss site they have ads for doughnuts! That's soooooooooo cruelllllllll!
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    To stop all the ads on these websites, you can use a plugin Ad Blocker for Firefox and it's called an extension for Google Chrome.
    I think internet explorer has it too but i'm not sure what it's known as.
    They are the best as you have an option to block these annoying ads on the sides or the top.
    Check it out, i'm using them and they really work.

    I use the ad blocker too and I never see an ad. It is great!
  • Galathea
    Galathea Posts: 420 Member
    MFP has no control over the ads showing on the side. If you look a bit closer, you will always see a note saying "ads by google".
    If they are such trouble for yoou, use the ad blocker like suggested above.
    I usually get ads for shoes and designer clothes.
    Goggle just uses the words you write to put up the ads you could be interested in (yep, I buy definitely too many shoes, so it's no miracle I get such ads all the time)
    And since this site is about food and meals and we all talk about it all the time, we get ads for sugar things. LOL
    This site is free and the ads help Mike and Al to keep it free. I think seeing them and feeling a bit tempted is a small prize to pay for such an amazing place and all the tools and support I find here.
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Everything that's been mentioned is quite true. (This topic rolls around about every 3 to 6 months:happy: ) Another thing to consider, Mike and Al get $$$ (to help keep the site FREE) every time someone clicks on an ad from this site. Blocking the ads may help you not be tempted, but it does NOT help the bottom line for MFP. I try to click on an ad that I wouldn't mind seeing frequently at least once a week. So when you see an ad that isn't offensive or is something you are actually interested in, CLICK ON IT!! You get Mike and Al $$ to help keep MFP free, and now Ads By Google knows that you are interested in whatever it was. This will get you more ads like the one you clicked. Win win!:laugh:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    One day I kept getting ads for the company my husband works for. I thought it was cool, but I couldn't figure out what it was in my food diary that would suggest "Computer Repair" :laugh:

    The Groupon ad I am getting lately has something that looks like sandwiches only in different pastel colors. I find them mightily unappetizing. That's the only food I notice.

    MFP does have some control over the ads that appear. They can request certain ads be blocked, for example. But I couldn't see them blocking ads from Groupon just because sometimes they have food in them.