So I've only done the fit test and day 1, but I'm wondering if my abs will get a good workout with Insanity. I know there were a few ab exercises in Plyo, but really the cardio was the difficult part. I never really felt the burn in my abs. I've been doing some circuit training prior to Insanity that had some more intense…
My apartment is tiny. How much room do you need to do Insanity? Thinking about it as a non gym workout challenge--especially as the colder months lurk around the corner.
I bought a new pair of slim cut jeans the other day!! This alone could be a NSV since I can NEVER find jeans that fit my badonkadonk that aren't huge. I couldn't wait to wear them and on my first walk down the street I didn't recognize my own shadow. There were TWO distinct legs rather than one large blob. My shadow having…