Hi, I need some advice as i have been in a relationship with a guy for 2 months. We know each other from our childhood and get on really well. He's very keen and talks about a long term future, im a bit more cautious at this early stage. He has just booked a surfing hol which i knew he was planning but found out on…
Yesterday I woke up with a tight calf and its a continuous pain, I can walk with some discomfort but wouldnt be able to run at the moment. I think caused from a bike ride (not my usual exercise) which I did on saturday. Has anyone else had similar problems, how long did it take to recover fully before you started…
I have been doing C25K but my breathing is holding me back and am sure its down to the smoking, so today I smoked the last cigarette in my pack and decided TODAY IS QUIT DAY! I know this is going to be a million times harder than losing weight, food is not an addiction for me but smoking is and I've been smoking around 10…
I run monday, wed and saturday every week and until recently its been ok. The last couple of weeks i have noticed that its much easier on a sat and i think this is because i have had 2 rest days beforehand. On mon and wednesdays my legs are aching after a while. I warm up properly. Does amyone have any advice? Should i try…