Following Ideal Protein, Phase I, a low-carb, protein-rich diet, and finding it's become increasingly difficult to be creative in the kitchen. The elimination of dairy, potatoes, rice, carrots, corn, peas, and any and all other food not listed on the approved /protein veggie list (which eliminates most foods not on the…
While most of us have found our way around the IP products and have learned what we do and don't like, the diet is somewhat restrictive and can become a bit boring. In the hope of finding tips and recipes to share, not only for the IP products but recipes that follow and adhere to IP protocol, I'm sharing a few of my fave…
My Journey began long before today; however, today is the day I chose to write of it. February 14th, Valentine's Day, a day most spend with their mates, gorging on goodies, that's the day I chose to attend an Ideal Protein (IP) meeting @ a local wellness center in town. That's the day I took my first step in the right…