It Ain't ALL About Me, but this is MY Journey... in MD :)

My Journey began long before today; however, today is the day I chose to write of it.

February 14th, Valentine's Day, a day most spend with their mates, gorging on goodies, that's the day I chose to attend an Ideal Protein (IP) meeting @ a local wellness center in town. That's the day I took my first step in the right direction.

Not entirely true... From the moment the appt was scheduled, I decided to start the slow, eventual elimination of carbs with a protein-rich (not high protein) diet. However, I didn't truly start following the IP protocol until after doctor's approvals were received 10+ days later, as that was an IP requirement due to being under doctor's care for treatment of a genetic blood disorder which keeps me at high risk for a clotting factor for which I'm monitored @ our local hospital's outpatient department and take oral blood thinners daily; after suffering (2) DVTs and multiple pulmonary embolisms, and after turning 50, the weight just started piling on, pound after pound... Now it's time to take it off, and It's time to take my life back!!

I am (only) in my early 50's and share an active social life with family/friends. I'm aging fairly well, with the exception of the xtra pounds put on in recent years, and would like to continue living a full, healthy life... I have a lot of living still to do!!

To date I'm down 18+ lbs from my original weigh-in, and while I'm still 25+ lbs from goal weight, I'm excited to say I've lost 18 lbs!!

WEIGH to go!! I'm super excited to be here and loving the support of MFP!!
