Well I have known and become more aware that one of my problems was the night shifts that I work. At 3:00 am if your tired you get to thinking- I'm tired I must eat. Well this weekend I did ok with that part of my life however the stress eating bit me in the fanny. However if anyone has any input on the night time eating…
For those that live in cold climates think of walking to be a good thing. I remember reading a couple years ago that walking in the cold helps burn more calories. Anyone else hear this and can they help by letting me know how much more.
I'm 37 years old- have been overweight since I can remember. The timing to start a new way of eating is actually good since I have a wrestler in the family that is harping for fruits, veggies, low fat yada yada. Anyhow at my physical yesterday I found out that the news I was procrastinating hearing was exactly what I…
With the holidays here I think it would be wise to start a thread of things that are treats that we can eat. Please post any recipes especially for cookies, dips/appetizers so that we can be successful over the holidays. I have a few that I'm going to be trying- one is for fudge and uses baby food prunes. Another that I…