I've read many posts by people saying they were fat adapted and I thought that meant they were used to including butter, cream, coconut oil etc in their diet and we're not getting heart burn. So I researched it and found out it means in simple terms that your body is fat burning and not using glucose for its energy. This…
I read the book by Dr Michael Mosley "The Fast Diet" and watched his interview with Dr Mercola. I felt compelled to give it a go as I won't be exercising for a month due to the fact I was operated on yesterday. I had my last meal and finished it on Sunday at 8pm then had my next meal on Tuesday 12pm and another finishing…
I just wanted to share this with you because I am a little disturbed by it and would appreciate your opinions. When I was on holiday a couple of weeks ago, I was trying to walk as much as I could because the hotel gym was really bad, so daily I would get in about 18,000 steps according to my Fitbit and another friend was…
I LOVE POPCORN! However, I know shop bought is loaded with calories, therefore, I thought I would do some research; after all I heard that Madonna and Gwyneth both eat it for its low calorie content and high in fibre. I have bought a hot air popcorn machine and I made some popcorn. It is so filling and satisfying that I…