mowbry Member


  • I use tumeric in most of my food and smoothies as an anti-inflammatory, however, you need to use black pepper with it so the body can absorb it better. I would advise seeing a sports therapist, as they are fantastic at giving good advice regarding your training routine, your footwear and perhaps your running technique.
  • I eat and enjoy the white grapefriut variety, also it's something I wanted to do as part of an alkaline diet. I usually create a smoothie with it and add a small orange for sweetness as I'm trying to cut out as much processed sugar as possible. I am on thyroxine melds and regularly tested so all is fine with eating…
  • Hi Stacy, I have just looked at your profile and a friend of mine has gone through the same and I just supported her as much as possible and we have both started a healthy eating way of life together. We have both given up sugar, wheat and as much processed food at possible and the weight is falling off and we have tons of…
  • Hi, I'm from Warwickshire. Happy to support a 5:2er
  • Sunday night here and feeling positive for my fast day tomorrow. I'm taking into work a small meal for lunch time to save my students from a grumpy teacher by the afternoon lol. Then in the evening I'm looking forward to having my hair done. Good fasting folks
  • Thank you for your support sanjoparolas I feel it is a learning curve and I shall learn from people from this group how they cope in stressful situations. You are all very inspirational for me!
  • I started the 5:2 diet on 9th Feb and that week was a breeze, as my op was in that week and I had nil by mouth prior to it. Subsequently, after that I have lost 14 pounds until this week when I returned to work. It has been a disaster to put it mildly! By 3pm, I am starting to feel sore and lack of patience with my…
  • I demand breast fed until my boys were 6 months old and then started to to substitute some feeds with solids; as they were clearly requiring more food than I could deliver. I see your son is 9 months old, therefore, I assume you're are giving him solid foods now. I would agree with your doctor regarding fasting if your…
    in Sleep Comment by mowbry March 2015
  • Moved fast days around to fit in with my week, so I'm fasting today as we shall be celebrating my son's 21st birthday tomorrow and I shall have a small piece of his birthday cake. Have a great weekend folks
  • That's really interesting what you have said as fasting is new to me and I'm trying to crack the whole Keto thing too. I'm keeping a diary of how I feel and the longest fast I achieved was 44 hours on just water. I'm a huge tea drinker however it's low caffeine but I'm not happy with the whole removal of caffeine therefore…
  • Did my fast day yesterday and it went well until I went to bed and my head was buzzing with thoughts and not letting me sleep. I think I may have to have coffee before 10am on my fast days as I may not be metabolising the caffeine out of my body through lack of food. Also like the new graphic orlcam
  • Hi Ibadmus, but your link didn't work. No worries I've just found it. I've just read the reviews and it is only geared towards the American market and no good for us British. Never mind, perhaps one day it will be adapted for us.
  • Good to know, but where can I get food scales like hers? I've never seen those in my life, in fact I didn't know such scales existed!
  • Hi Summers, try this free keto calculator to help you with your Macros I'm in my second week of this diet and just gone into ketosis when I applied the totals from this calculator. I drink between 2-3 litres of water daily, 1 fat bomb coffee in the morning and 3-4 cups of…
  • Hi, I've just added you. :D
  • Wow, that sounds amazing. I will have to see if I can get it off the internet as most of what you said seems to be American. Thanks for sharing :D
  • I'm glad this thread has been started as I didn't go yesterday either on my fourth fast day. I usually go every morning and had until yesterday and today. My husband has to do his own bowels due to the fact he is paralysed from the chest down. He uses Lactulose liquid, which he says softens it and then uses Senokot, which…
  • Sorry Chiccam, I meant for my comments to be outside your quote doh!
  • I've just read a post on here by foamroller and you have unwittingly answered my question, why I feel cold on fast days. I did put up my salt intake only this week when I researched that salt was important on fast days but it didn't mention feeling cold. I'm a newbie to this and this is my second week and third fast day.
  • Luckily my surgeon is Asian and practices fasting for her religion. As I not fasting till next Monday she has said it will be ok but if I feel light headed then I must stop. She said to listen to my body and I will know. She said exercise common sense and that she has practised this since she was six years old.
  • I thought I would choose a Monday and a Wednesday as other days I either work late at work, meet friends for a girly catch up on Thursdays and leave the weekends for cooking normal meals with my family. At the end of the day, it's good to try new diets to find the one that suits you.
  • Thank you sijomial, I shall join those groups as I couldn't find them. On the 500 cals on fast days, I'm not going to do that as it makes me want to eat. I have researched it and I like the "eat stop eat" method. As I won't be exercising then I don't feel I will need to have those calories. Thank you for the links.
  • Me too! Need to surround myself with positive active members to keep me focused. I have a logging streak of 185ish days so going strong however when some around you drop like flies you sometimes feel alone in the dark. Feel free to add me.
  • Low sugar caramel popcorn topping Ok, this is tried and tested and tastes really good! Air pop 100g of popcorn kernels (343 calories). Place a small pan onto your digital scales and pour in 30g of Splenda (60 calories) or your own brand of low calorie sugar. Then add 30g or 2 tbsp of agave (40 calories) and 1 tsp of I…
  • I have just switched to macros so I cannot say that it has changed me, however I have noticed the same as "Katmurraymint" has, that I have had to incorporate cottage cheese and protein powder into my diet to obtain the protein. I am currently working in grams:130g Protein, 120g Carbs and 40g Fat. I have tried to set it in…
  • I agree with Robin above, plan your meals and plan when you go out to allow for wine etc. I also look at the restaurants menu online to pick a health low calorie meal. I have stopped having cheat days as I feel I put too much back on and one trainer said that they do not believe in cheat days just perhaps and extra 300 to…
  • Great story and what a success you are too! You will have inspired many people on here by your kind act of sharing your progress and giving people hope that they can achieve it.