Low calorie popcorn toppings suggestions please

mowbry Posts: 60 Member
I LOVE POPCORN! However, I know shop bought is loaded with calories, therefore, I thought I would do some research; after all I heard that Madonna and Gwyneth both eat it for its low calorie content and high in fibre. I have bought a hot air popcorn machine and I made some popcorn. It is so filling and satisfying that I couldn't wait and had to add it to my lunch quota, well it was my lunch lol. I popped 75g of kernels, sprayed 1 cal butter on to it then added a mixture of cinnamon and Splenda sugar equalling, 310 calories. Now I know I should have divided it into three bags of healthy 100 calorie a bag snack, but I was so pleased with the taste and the whole experience that I ate the lot!!! I HAVE NO REGRETS PEOPLE! It is factored into my food diary and will not happen again, I was just in the moment. Does anyone make popcorn and have tasty low calorie recipes to share, savoury as well as sweet?


  • spickard34
    spickard34 Posts: 303 Member
    I love air popped popcorn. I usually eat 1/4 cup and melt blue becel butter and a bit of olive oil and I shake garlic powder on it = 250 cals. Also if I want a sweet and salty treat I melt 1/2 tbps of peanut butter (low fat) mix with a bit of olive oil and a dash of salt! Messy but yuuuuummmmmyyyyy about 250 cals as well.
  • doglover1979
    I like the new single serving bags by Orville Redenbacher. I can have all the taste (regular butter), but know I am only eating 160 calories because of the portion control aspect.
  • crystalnichle
    crystalnichle Posts: 126 Member
    I always pop mine on the stove. I use a small amount of olive oil and just add a little salt when its finished. soo good.
  • srustin
    srustin Posts: 12 Member
    I have friends that squeeze fresh lemon in salted popcorn. They learned that on the mission field in Mexico. It certainly adds a change of scenery for air popped corn and it is low cal!-)
  • Shananigans_
    Shananigans_ Posts: 785 Member
    Tbsp of choc chips and a sprinkle of coconut
  • tigergem86
    tigergem86 Posts: 59 Member
    there is a popcorn butter spray that i use, and then i sprinkle jalapeno powder. would also be good with a cheese powder
  • mowbry
    mowbry Posts: 60 Member
    So far, I am liking the sound of jalapeno powder and cheese. The peanut butter too sounds very tasty. Please keep them coming :-).
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Kernel Season's popcorn seasonings are awesome. I love the white cheddar, the ranch and the garlic parmesan flavors. You can find them in grocery stores next to the popping corn and oil. Don't try the bacon cheddar flavor, it tastes like vomit. Not playing.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    Crushed and ground red pepper.
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    Oh, yummy suggestions!
  • navygrrl
    navygrrl Posts: 517 Member
    I like olive oil and nutritional yeast on my air-popped popcorn. I had not thought about the splenda and cinnamon, though, and I have a feeling I'll be having that tonight...
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    Kernel Season's popcorn seasonings are awesome. I love the white cheddar, the ranch and the garlic parmesan flavors. You can find them in grocery stores next to the popping corn and oil. Don't try the bacon cheddar flavor, it tastes like vomit. Not playing.
    This. I like the nacho cheddar, and second the bacon cheddar tasting like vomit.
  • SymphonynSonata
    SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
    I love the splenda+cinnamon combo! I've found that mustard actually tastes really good too, and mustard is 0 calories! I got fancy and bought the mustard from Wal-Mart (I'm sure its at other places) that's "south western" (kind of tangy, spicy and slightly sweet with bits of bell pepper, I believe), amazing! I also tried a tablespoon of sour cream with a tablespoon of bbq sauce in a side bowl, and I'd dip my popcorn into that, also awesome (don't remember the calories though - pretty low though for a snack or meal replacement on less hungry days)! I have also tried with peanut butter which is good too, but you need a side bowl for it.
  • somerisagirlsname
    somerisagirlsname Posts: 467 Member
    Garlic and cayenne pepper is my favorite.
  • JBashkoff
    JBashkoff Posts: 14 Member
    Spritz with Pam to help it stick but I love sprinkling Seasoned Salt on mine.
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    I do a mix of about 1 part melted butter to 4-6 parts Frank's Buffalo Wing sauce, and then drizzle EVER so lightly with a fork over air popped popcorn. Add a touch of celery seed/salt if you like. You have to have a light hand with it otherwise it gets too soggy (and you have to drizzle in parts because it doesn't mix around well), but the flavor is intense enough that you only need a little. About a tsp of butter and a 1-2 tablespoons of (nearly calorie-free) sauce is all that's needed for 4-6 cups of popcorn. On the high side for sodium, but you can't have it all, right? :wink:
  • DivineChoices
    DivineChoices Posts: 193 Member
    In for the popcorn!! :)
  • mowbry
    mowbry Posts: 60 Member
    Low sugar caramel popcorn topping

    Ok, this is tried and tested and tastes really good!

    Air pop 100g of popcorn kernels (343 calories).

    Place a small pan onto your digital scales and pour in 30g of Splenda (60 calories) or your own brand of low calorie sugar. Then add 30g or 2 tbsp of agave (40 calories) and 1 tsp of I can't believe it's not butter (28 calories) and a tsp of water.

    Place on low heat and stir with a wooden spoon and wait for it to bubble and mix together with no lumps. Agave has a higher burning point to honey or syrup so take care not to burn the mixture. Once mixed and hot pour half onto your popcorn and mix it in with your wooden spoon and then pour in the final mixture and mix into the popcorn to ensure you have coated as much as you can.

    Divide into 3 bags and each will be approx 160 calories. This is a filling and enjoyable healthy snack.
  • rak173
    rak173 Posts: 105 Member
    I pop 1/4 cup kernels in an air popper and use pam spray butter (about 3 seconds) to give it some butter taste. A little salt, garlic power, sometimes basil, sometimes hot sauce, sometimes cayenne. I love snacking so I eat popcorn at least 3 times a week and keep the calories under 175 usually.
  • AndreaEllen
    AndreaEllen Posts: 71 Member
    My best friend swears by taking lime juice in a spritzer and spritzing the air popcorn