I rarely get to half of the potassium level I should be at according to mfp. Is this common? How do you reach your daily goal?
realistic goal setting
So I just changed my goal weight to halfway where I would like to be. Hoping that will help. Originally I thought that making my dream weight my goal would be inspiring enough to motivate me but losing 100 pounds was feeling a little overwhelming... How do you set a weightloss goal?
low cal (but not diet) snacks
What do you snack on that is low cal but doesn't have diet-additives?
Newly Determined
Hello, I've been on and off here for a couple of months but I've actually gained weight. Trying to do this on my own hasn't worked so far and I think I could use some encouragement. I'm 26 and I weighed 229.8 four days ago. I registered to walk a 10k this past Sunday but chickened out. I should be able to do this no…
goal outfits
Hello all, Just wondering if anyone out there has purchased an outfit to motivate them to lose weight? Did it work? How did you choose what size? Do you go for your end goal weight or something part of the way? Would love to hear if this worked for you.