Has anyone lost weight doing ZUMBA?
Any ideas on how to STOP snacking, I seem to think I am not full and am a BIG snacker....lol....guess I should snack on carrots and celery....any ideas or tricks you guys use to stop the late night snacks?
Anybody doing Zumba? Going to pick up a class or two a week to help boost my cardio (I hate treadmill...)
I am so frustrated, I have been going to the gym 5-6 times a week, I have worked up from 20 minute cardio to 30-35 min cardio and then I do alternating weights for 30minutes or so (one day arms, one day legs, ect). So I am at the gym for minimum of 1 hour ....I have only lost maybe a few pounds...I am about 60 lbs…
New to fitness pal! Love how it counts the food and exercise, I have been hitting the gym for the past two months 4-6 days a week and have only lost like 5 lbs, (but I feel better), I tried Southbeach Diet, didn't work....can only eat so much meat and cheese and veggies in a day, I like fruit, yogurt, ect..lol So I am…