30 day cycle, not good for the apparently normal female 28 day cycle
Just a reminder ladies be gentle on yourselves, If you have started to put on weight, feel and look puffy, want to crave junk food, This is normal, be kind to yourself. Do Not give in or give up. It is quite normal for women to put on anything up to 7lb around the time of their period. I have put on 4lb this week, but…
Thought it would be fab to link up if people fancy? x
Favourite Vegetarian Meals , Low Carb Please x
Hi all, Does anyone have some lovely ideas for low carb Vegetarian, I'm stumped! I was a Vegi for 4 years then got lured back by a bacon sandwich :\ But ready to go back. The trouble is I am currently on a detox, so low carbs, no sugar, caffeine , booze. (Well have had a few very minor slips , but doing my very best) And…
monday 25th
wondering if anyones still going? im getting very very board, no longer doing it at the wekends its really hard when theres such lovely weather and dh is off with the children so have been enjoying family time instead and thought id do the shred on weekdays im now day 4 level 2 and sooo board of it ..almsot half way…
Friday 22/06
Day 3 level 2 complete planks still killing me.but ive lost 1/2lb for the first time in ages.and my legs feel tight , not painful just tighter. Hope everyones doiing well x
Had a holiday where to start?
5 days off level 1 i did half of it , whould you start all over again or just catch up and complete the rest? Many thanks x
d5 level 1.
Yay Half way through this level 25 more days to go! Definatly seemed almost easy at this point and im not aching anymore but yeah jump ropes and jumping jacks section is still winding me . Wondering how much harder level 2 is!
What are your starting stats?
will add mine when i find my tape measure lol
Time of the month, how to avoid the food binge?
Ladys (obviously) i like many others suffer bad food binges at that time of the month. Today i have eaten a double sauage and egg mcmuffin , 2 packets of hula hoops a choccy yogurt and 2 sausage rolls..and i really hope i wont eat anymore junk before tea time which is a low fat home made curry . Although right now im…
zaggoras do they work?
As the title says really, id like to try them but seems an expensive outlay if its just a gimmick, are there other cheaper brands that work as well? Many thanks for any input x
wii running?
just wondered if there was a better running game for the wii than the ones on wii fit? i ask as sometimes i run to fast for the wii and it keeps tripping over , and today i did over 5k which i had to do on the 20 min free run not sure i could manage it in 10 mins what with the wii tripping over. many thanks, i was also…