Treadmill Running vs. Road Running
I need some input from you runners out there. I started Weight Watchers in January and basically overhauled my life style. I started running again, but, winters being what they are in Nova Scotia, I run on the treadmill. Now that the weather is getting nicer, I'd like to get outside. But my friend has me running scared…
Looking for friends who have/are done/doing 21 Day Fix and/or PiYo
I'm following the 21 Day Fix diet and doing PiYo for the workouts. Just looking for some support.
Birth Control Pills and the Last 10 Pounds
I'm down to my last 10 pounds, but it won't go away! My doctor told me that it's basically impossible as long as I'm taking birth control pills, but I find that hard to believe. I have no medical conditions that should mess with hormones or anything like that. Looking for advice for anyone who succeeded or just ideas.…
Fitbit Charge HR time
Does the Fitbit Charge HR show seconds? I'm a nurse so seconds are a big deal. Some of the pictures on Amazon and such show the device with seconds displayed, but is this a reality?
If you've ever wanted to try Daily Burn...
Here's a chance to try out some of the workouts. The Burn For Summer challenge will post one video each day between today (April 28th) and May 28th. You can find it on the Daily Burn Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/dailyburn
Slippin' and sliding' everywhere - Sweaty yoga hands
I've been working my way through the many Jillian Michaels' DVDs and I'm on to the yoga meltdown now. As it should, it works up a good sweat, but that means that my hands and elbows slip in certain poses. Someone recommended a lululemon yoga mat, but I can't justify spending $50+ on a piece of equipment. I've also tried…
Free love!
Looking for an extra bit of motivation and support? Leave a note here or shoot me a PM and I'll dole out some for ya. Just because :)
Looking for weight loss buddies
I've been on MFP, on and off, since last spring, but I can never seem to stick to it for more than a month or so. So I'm looking for some folks to keep me honest and accountable (and I'll do the same for you). Add me if that sounds good to you :)