40 lbs, a small transformation 5'5"
I see a lot of people asking for stats based on this height, hence I put it in the Subject line to make it more searchable for future inquires. Hope this inspires someone. Below are some pictures of a 40 lb "transformation". I was told by a few people that it was, so I recon if it looks like one, to label it under the…
I need help. My room mate brought home two bags of soft baked cookies and an entire coffee cake (works at a fancy coffee shoppe, yes, shoppe). This may sound silly to most, but putting baked goods in front of me like this is like putting cocaine in front of an addict. He (room mate) doesn't eat food (seriously, he dislikes…
Scale is Just a Number...
Yes, we hear all the time "a scale is just a number". I was losing weight like a champ until this past week when I gained 5 lbs back (literally overnight). Not sure if this is water retention (since I have hardly been peeing), muscle gain, both, or something else. At any rate, here are 2 pictures, taken two weeks apart of…
15 lbs down (comparison pics)
Before and after or a 15 lb loss. Before shot I was 165 (taken in March of 2009, before I was 177 lbs in August 2010) and today, in the same shirt at 150 lbs. I look at myself in the mirror and don't notice a difference, so I made these comparison pictures and then I noticed :) I got back up to 167 in April 2011, and I've…
The part about losing weight that I don't like...
Everything on me jiggles more. One day I'll be tone and non-jiggly, but for now I feel like a walking jiggly puff. Everything is loser than when I was 175 lbs, which is good, it means there's not as much fat as there used to be, just annoying and makes me slighty self- conscious.
Arm exercises in tandem with a hula hoop?
I've started hula hooping 20-30 minutes a day (going to do 30 minutes). It's fun, but the arms just kind of hang out unless you're doing tricks. I do squats and stuff while I'm hooping to vary it up more. Should I get two smaller hoops for my arms to do in tandem, or should I be doing some bicep curls with 5-10 lbs free…
Arm exercises in tandem with a hula hoop?
I've started hula hooping 20-30 minutes a day (going to do 30 minutes). It's fun, but the arms just kind of hang out unless you're doing tricks. I do squats and stuff while I'm hooping to vary it up more. Should I get two smaller hoops for my arms to do in tandem, or should I be doing some bicep curls with 5-10 lbs free…
Arm exercises in tandem with a hula hoop?
I've started hula hooping 20-30 minutes a day (going to do 30 minutes). It's fun, but the arms just kind of hang out unless you're doing tricks. I do squats and stuff while I'm hooping to vary it up more. Should I get two smaller hoops for my arms to do in tandem, or should I be doing some bicep curls with 5-10 lbs free…
Need a Good Sports Bras
Any ladies can recommend me a good sports bra to wear? I'm 36 DD-F and I have nipple piercings, so I need a bra that can really prevent un-needed movement, or at least tugging on my chest. I had a sports bra, but I can't wear that one now because it smashes my girls down too much (hurts the barbells) and I'd love to get…
Where can I buy Goat's Milk?
I'm pretty allergic to the proteins in cows milk, but I can have any pure goat's milk product just fine. Do any chain stores out in California carry it (specifically in the bay area)? I'm wanting to make some goat's milk fudge, homemade mozzarella and other delectable confectionery.
Milk-free protein shakes?
Are there any protein shakes out there that are milk/ milk derivative (i.e., sodium lactate, sodium caseinate) free?
Is this a good idea?
So far in nearly 2 weeks, I've lost 5 lbs. Not as much as I'd like to, but I suppose it's a start. This is just from dieting alone, no additional exercise. When the weight loss hits a plateau, I then plan to really exercise in order to get over that hump. I'd done the diets + exercise out of the gate before, you loose 10…