I'm down to the last 5 pounds and the scale hasn't been moving.....no my goal is not too low, I've been there several times before. It's been over a week and the scale hasn't moved. Anyone have any success stories for the last 5 pounds?
I'm hoping someone has a solution or knows why this is happening. It's happened a few times to me. I start my work out (ones I've done before like running or a work out video) and I get into it then my body just says no. I feel fatigued and my muscles just give up.
Anyone have any workout dvds they would recommend? I'm currently using hip hop abs and I like it because its fun and feels like dancing. None of the moves are overly complicated which I like. I bought the billy blanksbootcamp cardio inferno. Didn't care for it.
There are a lot of us out there with a large sweet tooth. Very difficult to have when you are trying to eat healthy. So I ask you all to contribute to this post with your secret to keeping your sweet tooth under control. I personally, a chocoholic, buy a few bars of basic chocolate bars. Keep them in the fridge somewhere I…
I've been noticing that my daily intake of sodium is always way over. Because of my work I end up eating a lot of can goods which is where the bulk of my sodium comes from. Does anyone have any suggestions to try and lower my sodium intake?
Hoping someone can shed some light on why this happens. I check my weight daily. First thing in the morning after I use the washroom and in my underwear for the most accurate reading. I've been staying within calories/fat and exercising daily. When I check the scale in the morning it will go up and not move for several…