Because EVERYONE EVERYWHERE needs to know this man.....
Meet Ahmed Angel, the most beautiful man in the world. http://www.buzzfeed.com/katienotopoulos/meet-the-most-beautiful-man-in-the-world BRB gotta take care of some "business," ifyaknowwhatimean.
An Apology to All My Weight Loss Clients
I just stumbled upon this on HuffPost, and thought it provided some good food for thought. (Pun fully intended.) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/iris-higgins/an-open-apology-to-all-of_b_3762714.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular Former shill for "popular weight loss company" (unnamed) apologizes for all the women she put on 1200…
Hip flexor pain when squatting
I've been lifting for about a year, but only started squatting heavy multiple times a week (Stronglifts) back in January. So perhaps this is an overuse injury, but I'm looking for info/experience in case it's a matter of form/flexibility or something else entirely. Anyway! I'm having sharp hip flexor pain during squats.…
Woman trying (and failing) to get bulky - wahhhhh!
Ladies, if you're nervous about lifting heavy and getting bulky, read my story. I've been lifting heavy for about a year (no particular program). My husband has been lifting for about 8 weeks, doing Stronglifts. I switched to Stronglifts right about the same time as he did. And man, I am SO PEEVED - he has just absolutely…
Crappy Gym Advice from a Dude
So another post on here got me to thinking of all the time I've gotten terrible a@@vice from a dude at the gym. I lift heavy, and there have been times when I'm the only chick in the weight room. Over the past year, I think there has only been ONE TIME when I visited the gym and didn't get "advice" from some random bro on…
Advancing weights when you are struggling?
This is probably a dumb question, so I apologize in advance. So. I'm hitting my reps for the squat at 55kg, but on some of the reps, I'm REALLY struggling. There have been a few times when my shrieks have reminded me of childbirth. ;) So -- should I advance to 57.5? Or should I stay at 55 until all my reps are perfect and…
Favorite non-nut based-butters/protein bars?
My son is allergic to all nuts, as well as peanuts, and since I'm breastfeeding, I can't eat them either. (I've tried - even the littlest bit of pecan in my diet is enough to make him break out in horrible eczema.) Anybody have favorites for soy nut butters and/ or non-nut based protein bars? What I've tried -- -- I.M. Soy…
Bragging a bit - a post about me on Myomy.tv! :D
This c'est moi: http://www.myomytv.com/inspired-by-lucy-a-letter-about-success/ Down 45 pounds since Jan. 2011, but more importantly - HELLA LOT STRONGER!