Cottage Chia Omelette Crepes - Versatile!
For those times when you've used up all your precious fat macros .... drumroll cos these are awesome: Cottage Chia Omelette Crepes https://www.facebook.com/notes/chocolate-chilli-mango/cottage-chia-omelette-crepes/647810618573398 (recipe here) macros per recipe (serves 1): 125 kcals 22 grams protein 8 grams carbohydrates…
Strength Training: The Russian Way
This is a great article by one of Australia's top powerlifters and all round nice guy. A very good read with some excellent advice ... whether you compete or (like me) just lift for health, fitness and FUN http://www.ironedge.com/blog/strength-training-the-russian-way/
Bacon nutrition info for cooked vs uncooked
OK maybe someone can help me out here ... I have the nutritional info for my dry cured streaky bacon (free range, awesome stuff .. no gluten, no nitrates, happy piglets, lovely boys who run the farm etc etc LOL) Let's take tonight's serve ... I had a 75 gram portion (uncooked weight). It's streaky...there's rivers of fat…
Taking responsibility for obesity
This is a brilliant article. The author, Karen Hitchcock, is a doctor and writer. She makes some interesting and excellent observations and gives an insight into a doctor's perspective when dealing with obese patients, often with chronic disease.…
Struggling with BF and image issues
Hey everyone, You may or may not know of Molly Galbraith, but she's an amazing gal whose blog posts are always helpful and motivating. Her most recent one discusses her own long standing battle with body fat and body image issues It's a fantastic read. Well worth it. Always feel good about yourselves :)…
time to relabel the paleo diet to grain free diet ...
Probably time to call a spade a spade and label the paleo diet a grain free diet and cease any justifications for it on the basis of what our ancestors ate. Why? Studies are showing that our ancestors have been eating grasses and grains for a couple of milliion years now. So we did not evolve sans grains. This is a really…
Butter vs Margarine
A lot of us knew this already but it's nice to know that "conventional wisdom" is starting to accept reality :tongue: http://www.ausfoodnews.com.au/2013/02/07/past-research-slammed-margarine-now-more-harmful-than-butter.html