I've lost 19 lbs since January with cardio, basic weights, and diet. My pants are all too big except for one trouble spot. My thighs. That's the one thing keeping me in higher sizes that don't fit me anywhere else. While I know that spot reduction isn't possible, does anyone have any ideas for exercises that could help me…
Yep, I'm EveryGirl... I carry my extra weight in my midsection and my thighs. While i know I need to get this weight loss jumpstarted (cause nothing is going away, but that's a separate post) to make the fat go away, does anyone have any ideas on exercises that can tone the thighs so they will be good looking when the fat…
I've been using the My Fitness Pal app and program for four weeks now, and I've not lost a pound. I've been faithful about counting everything, and estimating amounts as closely as I can when I didn't make the food. Four weeks of counting every single bite I put in my mouth, counting every minute I run or walk - even the…