How do you do it? Please assist.
Hello, I was wondering if anyone had done a partial fast cycling through eating one day and then not eating. I was thinking of doing that for a week to see if it would jolt my body back into losing weight. I do not hold a fondness for fasting, so clear liquids and maybe vegetables will be added in. I'd probably be looking…
Hey guys, I've been trying to go running every morning, but I always get tired after the first or second lap and end up power walking the rest of my hour devoted to the track. I wanted to know if this was just because I'm not used to it (been going about a week now) or because I have/have not been eating anything before…
Hey guys, I'm new, looking for some advice to get back into the groove. I'm usually a 1200-1400 (if I'm bad) person, but I used to be 1000 or less, and well, I'd like to get back to that 1000-1100. I know that once my body gets used to it, I can lose weight instead of retaining what I have packed on. I don't have any…