Running Problems

Hey guys,

I've been trying to go running every morning, but I always get tired after the first or second lap and end up power walking the rest of my hour devoted to the track.

I wanted to know if this was just because I'm not used to it (been going about a week now) or because I have/have not been eating anything before running.

Sometimes if I'm hungry I'll eat a banana or a light half sandwich and wait an hour before running... either way, I cramp up (lower left abdomen) or get tired. I started doing ten minutes of runner's yoga before hand (just did it yesterday) and the cramps still came on.

Am I just not running the right way?

Please help!


  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    If you've only been running for a week, you are probably just starting out with too much too soon. Try something like the Couch to 5K program that has you increase your running a little bit each week.
  • StarkLark
    StarkLark Posts: 476 Member
    I would also recommend C25K. It is possible that you are just getting used to it. Take your time and build a little bit each day you run.

    Personally I never run without eating first, especially in the morning. I don't seem to have cramping issues to I usually eat as little as 30 minutes before I run. But my meals are small, usually a protein shake or just some fruit or vegetables.

    And of course the obvious, make sure you get some good rest the night before and pace yourself. Stick with it a couple more weeks and you'll see results!
  • Time2Thrive
    Time2Thrive Posts: 161 Member
    Especially first thing in the morning what I have found useful is walking for like 5 minutes to get the muscles going and then do my stretches. Are you stretching beforehand?

    I agree if you are just starting out I would do something like a couch to 5K. I have found I have really like Hal Hidgon's training calendars.

    This article might address what you are talking about,

    Keep with it!!
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    You’re probably cramping because it’s new to your muscles. Also make sure you hydrate all day & not just before you run.
    Always remember & never forget…, your body will give out long before your mind will. Have a strong mind & the rest will follow.
  • sdoldsMD2013
    When I first started running, I felt the same way. I have noticed that since I've been working out more and my endurance has increased, I have been able to run for longer. Also, I try to have a little yogurt and granola before I run. This typically helps me get the most out of my running sessions. Hope this helps some!
  • danikiz
    danikiz Posts: 12 Member
    I was wondering if yogurt would help or hinder! Thanks, I'm going to try that on Monday, resting up this weekend. :)