I am having a hard time with staying on any diet. I am 5'4" and weigh 143-146 lbs. This is in the normal range for my height. However I have a body fat percentage of 35% which is classed as obese. I've calculated my calories to lose weight and if I have it at 1200 net I'll lose about 0.4 lbs a week. I find I'm starving…
Hey All, I have been having trouble staying motivated as I keep jumping in weight. I was at 143.8 when I started. The next week this went up to 145 and change. Then it went down again to 143 and then up again this Monday morning to 146. something... I weighed myself again after work, after eating, and I was at 144.1... I…
I was wondering what everyone is doing for their nutrition? I am trying to eat clean (following somewhat the eat clean diet - although I hate the word diet) and am striving for a 90/10 split. I know from experience that I cannot cut out all the things - so I will work on eating clean 90 percent of the time, but allow…
Hi, I am trying to find a cardio workout video to do. I have found beginner ones that are simply walk up and back, etc. and then there is insanity. I find insanity way too hard for me and have to take several breaks. It simply makes me feel discouraged doing any exercise at all. I play roller derby 3x a week, but seriously…
My boyfriend and I are both trying to get healthier. I need to lose excess fat (approx. 30 lbs) and gain muscle, while he is trying to gain weight (approx 40lbs). We are both going to be starting P90x as well as he does more weights and I do more cardio so the exercise portion will meet both our needs. I was wondering if…