I have struggled for the past 6-8 months with balancing my work and my workouts. Only the last 3 weeks have I successfully worked out more than 2-3 times a week! Lack of workouts make me sluggish and grumpy ( and fat) so I REALLY need to make it work. I have to leave the house by 7.30 and dont get home until 9pm most…
I'm really in need of a support system so if anyone wants someone to help and vice versa. I'm here!! 26 year old busy woman with a passion for health and wellness. I only get 2 hours a week over 3 days but really am dedicated. I workout at 5am when possible. UK Vegan looking to build some muscle & get fit for a WolfRun in…
https://images-blogger-opensocial.googleusercontent.com/gadgets/proxy?url=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-eYRU6VRe3Pk/U2P9Qb6mvTI/AAAAAAAAA8Y/myvqdkVe47Y/s1600/1+20+26.jpg&container=blogger&gadget=a&rewriteMime=image/* March-April…
I'm living proof of this dvd working. I lost 4lbs and toned up! I've followed jillians workouts for over a year and my weight has changed drastically ( just look at my profile picture). I jumped at the chance to buy this dvd and i'm so glad i went through the sweat tears and almost threw up. Honestly, i've never been more…
Firstly i wanted to say that for me, my body has been fighting me m whole life, i'm not obese and i've only scaresly been obese, but maintaining my weight has been a battle ( as i explain in the long essay towards the bottom of the post, sorry!) Jillian Michaels has been inspiring to me as she has done what most have not…