favorite kind of apple?
there are so many! I want to try them all! @_@ right now I really love gala apples, before that I was really into fuji, and in the dark ages I only ate red and golden delicious. what are some of your favorites?
to those struggling with all the Halloween candy everywhere!
I know I definitely can't resist the temptation, so here's what I do to indulge and still stay within my calorie goals: each bite-size piece of candy is usually anywhere from 70 - 80 calories. what I do when I'm in class or at work and there are huge candy bowls everywhere is just factor them into my snacks. for example:…
gimme your best egg-centric recipes!
I just bought a dozen (cage-free and vegetarian fed!) eggs for the first time in probably two-ish years, and I'm at a loss as to what to do with them. mainly I needed them for a couple recipes that call for one or two eggs here and there, but then I've still got so many left over and I don't want them to go bad! so what's…
acne from sweating/working out :(
so I've noticed that in the past week, my face has completely broken out. I don't usually let a pimple or two bother me, but it's gotten pretty bad. nothing about my diet has changed, I haven't been put on any new medications or anything, it's not that time of month... the only thing that's different is I've upped my…
bananas - best for energy or for sleep?
I've heard and read different things from tons of different sources. some say that bananas are a good source carbs with natural sugars so they give you energy throughout the day, therefore it's best to eat them before something like a workout. but then I've also heard that they release tryptophan into the body, which…
new here but not really!
I've had an account on here before and kinda sorta used it but not really until now. I lost a lot of weight last summer and felt totally amazing, but then gained it all back and then some in a year due to school, work, and a lot of personal life stress (you know, the usual :p ). but I'm back with a vengeance! and this time…