A friend of mine told me about this book "6 weeks to OMG" - which is this drastic diet she wants to do. I am not doing this but did have a quick read of a sample of it. One of the things it mentions is to avoid breakfast and to have a cold bath, have a black coffee and go to the gym and then not eat for 3 hrs after. This…
I recently found that just changing the music that I listen to when I'm working out really helps. A lot of it is stuff that I wouldn't usually like to listen to at home if I was just chilling or in the car - really steps you up. It's amazing what a difference it can make to your work out. So I thought I'd start a post…
In the past when I studied for exams I would pop out for a cigarette every hour to de-stress. Now everytime I feel stressed throughout the day when I'm studying I pop on treadmill or go for a walk for 10-15 mins or so. Which is about the same time it would take me to go out and have a cigarette and come back. Small changes…
I know its weird but I've started eating non breakfast things for breakfast. So this morning I had a turkey salad for breakfast. I'm oddly embarassed by this and I feel quite weird doing it. I wake up and I walk the dog and exercise and then I have something to eat. I am low carbing also - as I feel this works best for me.…
Quick tip!: Don't eat the hot vegetables just cooked in the microwave the moment it comes out because your starving! Blister in my mouth the size of something well very large.