Small changes - big impact

In the past when I studied for exams I would pop out for a cigarette every hour to de-stress. Now everytime I feel stressed throughout the day when I'm studying I pop on treadmill or go for a walk for 10-15 mins or so. Which is about the same time it would take me to go out and have a cigarette and come back. Small changes make a huge difference. I'm accumulating lots of exercise calories and I feel more focused instead of feeling down and depressed for smoking.

Other changes, I love mayonaise with tuna, in the past I could never think of having one without the other. now I don't buy it and just have tuna plain...which originally I thought I hated and was going to be like prison food but as I've gotten used to it, I've realised it just tastes different more like a meat than a fish. My taste buds are changing on this diet, they are more sensitive to flavours, sugars, salts. I don't buy butter either anymore - I used to joke that I was having bread with my butter - I would put so much on - now not including it in my routine - I don't really miss it.

It's all about small changes, making a huge difference in the long term.
I Wondered if anyone else has some small changes they have made which have really helped them?


  • jmijaressf
    jmijaressf Posts: 215
    I started eating a larger breakfast and making my lunch portions a little smaller. But my large breakfast is usually Trader Joe's Non-Fat Yougurt, some of the TJ's Maple Pecan Granola, about 1.5 cups of fruit, and then two corn tortillas with just a light coating of butter. Or I'll substitute the tortillas for multi-grain toast.

    Lunch is typically an almond butter sandwich with a sprinkling of brown sugar on top.

    Dinner... Well, that's another story.
  • KidP
    KidP Posts: 247 Member
    Measuring cups & a food scale. That's the biggest small change i can think of that has had a large impact. I would also add getting a decent heart rate monitor to my list too. It's helped as well.
  • Spayrroe
    Spayrroe Posts: 210 Member
    I agree with KidP. One of the biggest 'small' changes I made was just measuring out correct serving sizes. In some things, it was amazing how much I was over eating on it, and others (like milk on my cereal), I was cutting myself short by counting a full serving. Also, when it comes to things I get as snacks, I take small baggies and measure out individual servings as soon as I get it home. That way I don't have to count/measure each time, and I feel like I've had enough once the baggy is empty.
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    I wish i felt the same way...

    When i stopped smoking instead of being like yeah now i can go do some exercise instead for 5 mins,
    im like ow im not allowd to smoke anymore, lets go eat for something for 5 mins.. not like i have anything else to do..

    and before i use to love the taste of food because everything was lightly smoked, even just lettuce tasted nice.
    but now that my taste buds have gone back to normal... everything excpet from stuff pumped with suger, salt or fat, tastes nasty!
    i mean i use to love kfc fries with hardley any salt! but now i wont enjoy them if i haven't poured on 3 of their salt bags!
    and its the same with everything.. even stuff thats already high in sugar / fat.. i have to add more to it to create a better taste...
    and i use to LOVE mayonnaise and tuna! But now i don't like tuna at all...
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    I got my HRM on Wednesday, and have been using it at work. Turns out I'm burning a LOT more than I thought guesstimating on here!

    Also changed sugar to sweetener, drinking more, and just starting to take food to work instead of eating chocolate and crisps there!
  • SLN11
    SLN11 Posts: 210
    This is my motto aswell

    No one is asking for us to change out world upside down in order to look and feel better about ourselves, its about wanting to do it for you and you only !

    I have tried this weight loss before and I have never achieved my goals fully becuase I was never willing to change my habbits ! Day 3 into a new start i'm feeling postive, tracking every little bit of food on MFP to tracking excersise and measuring foods out so I can control my portions !

    Keep up the good work

  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Measuring cups & a food scale. That's the biggest small change i can think of that has had a large impact. I would also add getting a decent heart rate monitor to my list too. It's helped as well.

    These are a couple things I have done as well. I never realized how many calories I was consuming and then once I actually started measuring and counted, I was disgusted with myself and was able to make changes immediately. The heart rate monitor was expensive, but it's one of the best investments I've made toward my health.
  • froglegjack
    froglegjack Posts: 388 Member
    the biggest difference for me too has been the measuring cups too. It really helped me get proportions in perspective. I want a food scale too soon.
  • mlwestlake
    mlwestlake Posts: 19 Member
    My small change was water. I was drinking 2 liters of water every day and then I added another liter. It took me 3 weighins to notice the scale move and when I added more water last week, I lost 3 pounds! YAYYY!
  • roxanne90
    roxanne90 Posts: 95
    My small change is NO SODA........its been about a month and I haven't had a soda diet or otherwise. Don't let me kid ya' I want one But........I go get a water instead. Now if I could just cut out NOT going to happen.....hahahha
  • chubbachub
    chubbachub Posts: 40 Member
    My small change is NO SODA........its been about a month and I haven't had a soda diet or otherwise. Don't let me kid ya' I want one But........I go get a water instead. Now if I could just cut out NOT going to happen.....hahahha

    I wish I could give up soda. I drink so much diet coke.
  • headheldhigh
    I've been parking far away when I go to the store. I don't know how much its helping me lose weight but it lifts my spirits because I get more fresh air and I don't feel like such a lazy person. It's motivating.