Podcasts to support your weight loss?
What podcasts do you listen to that support your weight loss efforts? I'm digging losing 100 pounds with phit n phat podcast! Never realized how much mental food baggage I had lol
Equestrian Workouts?
Does anyone follow a specific routine to support their riding programs? I'm not competing, just looking for more ways to strengthen my body to make riding a very large, strong stubborn horse not such a challenge. Just curious what others do.
Chronic Back Pain Management
So I fell off a horse in Junior High (got back on too) around 1993 and have had back issues since. I've been to (and still go) to chiropractors and massage therapists. I can get maybe a day per month where the pain is minimal. My neck and upper back are the issues. I spent 11 years with a phone pinched between ear and…
Sodium/Smoked Salmon
I have an abundance of smoked salmon and I have been eating a bit each day. The sodium is SO HIGH though. If you had an abundance of wonderful smoked salmon, how often would you eat it if the sodium was an issue for you? I don't have any issues with high sodium usually... but my level's are out of this world with the…
What would you eat?
Most of my eating takes place at work. I usually eat three of my 5 meals at work during a 12 hour shift. My tools are a mini fridge and a small toaster oven. I'm bored and need ideas of healthy meal options. I usually eat 200-250 calories per meal. I'm not picky, love healthy stuff, and try to limit carbs and sugars. What…
Sugar in the raw (SYRUP)
Ok, we all are looking to sweeten things up without adding extra calories. There are arguments about using the fake (splenda, sweet and low etc) sugars too. Agave nectar was a new and "life saving" type of sweetener as it was low glycemic, but at 60 calories, it added up quick! I just wanted to share another option with…