Calories burned on strength training days
Hello everybody! I was just wondering if there was a way to calculate how many calories are burned on weight training days. My fitness pal only counts the calories burned during cardiovascular exercise, but I know I burn a lot more than the measely 200 calories that it's counting off on my strength training days,…
I like this site
since being diagnosed with celiac I have been a member of a lot of forums searching for guidance and support, but I have to say that by far this is the best one. Everyone ere is supportive and realistic.
Working out when sick
is it a good idea to work out when you're sick? I'm very sick today, and it's understandable that I can't go to the gym, but what about if you have a minor cold? I find that it gets worse if I go, and end up missing a whole week of exercise!
Hungrier when sick?
I find that I get so much hungrier when I'm sick than normal. Is that well, normal?
Weight lifting crash course
Any dvd's or any tips on weight lifting for beginners? I was under the impression that you needed to lift heavy to gain muscle, but the trainers at the gym had me lift like 5 lb dumbbells? I signed up for personal training, but for financial reasons, imma have to cancel it :-(. So bummed. Can I get some instruction from a…
Fit celiac
Hello! As my introduction topic says, I have celiac disease. I was diagnosed in august of last year and my life has changed quite a bit. I finally found health haven in the paleo/primal diet style (of course with my tweaks. I love my dairy) and I'm finally on the road to a nurished, healthy body that I haven't had in so…