I'm planning on joining a gym (planet fitness) my goal for right now is to lose weight. The gym is full of cardio machines which is great I can work an elliptical machine like nobody's business, BUT I also want to tone and strength train. The gym has plenty of machines for this too the problem is I dont really know what I…
Looking to put together an exercise playlist. Any suggestions for high energy-fast paced-feel good-make you want to move your butt music will be greatly appreciated =) Please share!!
Saw a segment on the morning news regarding bloating and proper digestion. Just thought I'd pass the info along in case any of you (like me) have this problem- Try to only eat fruits on an empty stomach. Fruits are easily digested by our bodies, taking 20-35 minutes to fully digest. If we eat fruit when there is already…
I know exercise regardless of the time of day is better than no exercise at all but I've read articles that support both times of day as the better time to exercise. Does the time of day really make a difference? Does the type of exercise cardio/strength training/toning etc factor in at all.
I made this account about a year ago with full intentions of using it to help me reach my weight loss goals however the most I have ever dedicated to it is maybe 5 consecutive days. I'll use it, then I won't touch the app for a few months but inevitably I always come back and so on. And as you can see I am back (again) BUT…