Bloating/Proper Digestion

Saw a segment on the morning news regarding bloating and proper digestion. Just thought I'd pass the info along in case any of you (like me) have this problem-

Try to only eat fruits on an empty stomach. Fruits are easily digested by our bodies, taking 20-35 minutes to fully digest. If we eat fruit when there is already food in our stomachs, the digestion process is halted leading to gas, bloating and sometimes a belly ache =(

Try to avoid drinking a beverage when you eat your meal (I know that sounds awful). Here is why- beverages dilutes the acid and emzynes that are inside of us that help us digest food making the breakdown of the food inside us harder. When we don't dilute those thing we digest our meals more easily, especially meat . She suggested drinking your beverage 1/2 hour before or waiting 45 minutes after. If you can not not drink something try to avoid something cold, go for warm or room tempature, it is easier for the body to digest food when it is at your normal body temp

Lemon water every morning will help your body cleanse its self of any left over crap inside you that your body way not able to properly digest on its own. Reducing the appearance of bloating and making your tummy feel really good.

Sit and relax a few minutes after eating, when we are rest our bodies and can focus solely on digestion, our energizes are not being exerted else where.

And thats all I remember......Happy Digesting!!!