I have both JM DVD's - is one good to do before the other? I know both use her 3-2-1 process, but is one like a Step 1 and the other Step 2? Thanks!
I've been "bookmarking" topics that interest me, so I can see the "yellow star". But other than constantly searching page after page for the yellow star, is there an easier way to just quickly view my bookmarked topics without the hassle of scanning?!?! HELP!!
I've looked through the first 12 pages, so forgive me if there is a thread here already, but anyone use the Brazil Butt Lift series of DVDs & have any feedback to provide? I've had it awhile without using & was thinking of starting a rotation of this series along with some other programs I have. Anyone like it, hate it,…
I have the 10-MInute Trainer program but really didn't give it much of a chance when I first bought it. I'll be starting in earnest tomorrow. Wondering if others had good results with it & had any tips?