Has anyone used a bbug?
Has anyone used a bbug or somthing similar to it? It seems like a fantastic little piece of technology that will nesure weight loss. The reviews online are very controversial so what is you opinion on it?
How long did it take you to notice results?
How long did it take you to notice signifigant results. I know that you are able to lose inches without losing actual pounds so I wanted to get a rough estimate of what I should be expecting.
Gluten Free Sweets
Does anyone know of some low-cal and low-fat gluten free sweets? Being gluten free is really limited when it comes to sweets and i have a huge sweet tooth! I got to get away from all that processed junk!
What do you do when...
What do you do when you have already gone past your calorie limit for the day but you are still really hungry? I am trying not to give in to tempation, but I am so hungry :/