Unfit and new to exercise is exhausting me
Ive started up on just 2 days a week. A legs, bums, tums and aqua aerobics. However, I am fine at the class and a few hours later I am zonked. I spent 2hrs napping yesterday afternoon I could not do anything. Slept flat out all night. I am aching a bit but nothing bad but the exhaustion. How do people new to losing weight…
Get hot and sweaty too quickly - mental block to overcome
Its not new but I seem to sweat so easily and when starting my exercise regime from start its the mental thing that puts me off - not sure if this is a common thing? Seems to be as soon as my back and nap of neck is soaking I dont feel as if I can continue. Im hot I want to stop. My starting from scratch again doing a Joe…
Post exercise crash/malaise 4 hours after
It about 3-4hrs after finishing (run/parkrun/routine) I completely crash I cannot cope. Im tired and unable to do anything by lie down and nap. Im confused when people say do an early morning routine youll feel great all day - not me! Im great for the first 3hrs then I have to lie down (not safe to drive) which means it…
Negative person - no wonder I struggle to get anywhere
This must be my 100th time of starting from scratch. In all these years I have got no where yet my other half has gone from nothing to competing in triathlons in 2 years. Yes, I had excuses when the children were young but now both in school and life is much easier yet I have no drive and when I do make the effort (after…
Max Workout - by Shin Ohtake
I've read his stuff on the net and its very interesting. http://www.maxworkouts.com/?gclid=CJ2N6cmImbcCFabLtAodBxQAJQ . I feel as though I would benefit as my weight loss has been too slow and even though I need to lose 1.5 stone I carry an enormous amount of body fat particularly around the stomach. What he says sounds…
Exercise classes too loud - why???
I've been enjoying doing bodypump and a kind of 20/20/20 (more aerobics) but I cant face going there just because I'm finding the decibel level uncomfortable. Not just the music but doubled up by the instructs screeching to a point where I am pulling a face in pain!!! Last session I couldn't believe it when she turned the…
42yr old woman not losing weight
I know there are many posts similar but I seriously cant understand whats going wrong. I started doing exercise nearly 2 yrs ago - I was 12 stone and needed to lose 2 stone min. My regime was a bit up and down and generally cutting down and shifted nearly a stone. Over the past 6 months I have upped my exercise and…
lady in 40's with huge belly
I've been losing weight slowly but you wouldnt notice.....my belly is still huge. I never had a smooth belly in my youth and with two huge pregnancy bellies and 2 c-sections its not a sight you want to see - roundish then a little flop. I am struggling with the exercise with the pressures of running a business and young…
IBS nausea & dizziness stopping me from working out
Just wondered if anyone has overcome this - my IBS isnt as bad as many but the regular nausea with dizzy spells just makes me feel 'out of it'. Its an intermittent problem but seems to be quite re-occurent recently. Should I ignore it and plough on? Does eating a good dose of natural yoghurt help pre-workout? Any tips…