For a long time, I had ankle pain towards the front of my ankle for a couple of weeks after I started running. I finally found the answer to my problem after two years. I thought I'd post this because you might have the same problem and it might not have been something you thought of. For those two years, I looked on the…
I'm going to research it more but I'd like to know what others have learned and why. When do you do dynamic stretching, static stretching, core exercises, and strength training? What I've learned most about when to do it is static stretching which is after running even thought for cross country we do it after the warm up…
I think it's important to eat healthier than just eat processed food in moderation. All I'm asking is for people to give up one thing that is unhealthy. I'm not saying to give it up completely but maybe have it once a month or something. For me, I kind of have to stay away from stuff all together like soda I gave it up…
I'm not entirely sure if I drink too much water. There were days I would drink 160 ounces of water but that was also when I was doing cross country which probably makes somewhat of a difference and I was also 118 pounds.