home grown!!
i usually have a browse through the message boards to pick up tips and ideas! and have not yet come across anybody mentioning that they grow their own fruit and veg!! i do! potatoes, carrots, peas, beans, cabbage,broccoli, allsorts, it does take a bit of effort, and you dont need a huge strip of land, small patio garden…
what song or music motivates you??
I know most gyms have tv's while you do a workout! but i find listening to my mp3 with my favorate tunes motivates me to work harder and faster, and i feel ive acheived a lot more at the end! i usually listen to fast paced heavy metal! mostly metallica!! whats your favorite for motivation?? in addition to above question!…
calling all newbees
:smile: hi im a newbee 4 days in and struggleing a bit, not so much with exercise, but my food choices arnt great yet! even though im sticking to my cals ok so far, just need a few more pals on here for support, so any other newbees on here, or longer serving members, please friend me, need all the support i can get!:wink: