Quinoa Recipes?
Do you have a favorite low fat Quinoa recipe? Many of the recipes I'm finding online call for a lot of butter or oil. Any alternatives out there? Thanks!!
Regained weight....Would love to hear your encouraging stories of regaining then losing for good :)
Hello everyone - I've been on MyFitnessPal for about three years. This tool was instrumental in my losing a good 20 pounds about 2 years ago. I have now gained it all back, mostly due to my own fault, though I can feel ok putting just a little blame on aging (I'm now 47) and an antidepressant I'm weaning off of, especially…
IIFYM Veterans? Success?
I'm researching different food plans - so far Real Food and IIFYM are front runners for me. The fat and protein percentages with IIFYM seem really high to me - I mean REALLY HIGH. Have you had success with weight loss using this plan? Thanks.
Calling All 40 Somethings!!!!
I'm 47 now and I'm noticing more and more that I just can't eat and exercise like I used to. I have to be careful when I exercise because I injure more easily. Also - for example, if I splurge on Thanksgiving, it doesn't just fall off during regular weight management over the next week like it used to. It sometimes stays…
Hip Flexor Strain
Apparently, I didn't stretch properly before starting a new walking program and strained my hip flexor - I'm not in severe pain - just mild pain when getting up and down from a sitting, lying position, getting in and out of car, mostly. I keep thinking if I just take it easy, that it will work itself out. I've made the…
Effexor - Weaning Off
Anyone else have long term experience with Effexor? Under my doctor's supervision over the last three months I have been weaning off of Effexor (which I was on for 10+ years). Keeping up my same exercise and eating patterns I have actually GAINED nearly 10 lbs over the three months I have been weaning off. I'm now two…
Yoga Frequency
I've started and really like yoga. I've done a few regular Yoga and a few hot yoga classes. My concern is that with my work schedules and the times that yoga is offered, I can only do classes once or twice a week. Is this enough to be beneficial? Any thoughts appreciated!
~~Yoga with Pinched Nerve
I'm currently working on healing a pinched nerve in my neck. I'm definitely not going to do any cardio or anything high impact until it heals, but I'm thinking that yoga might be a good thing to do in the meantime. Anyone with experience doing yoga w/ pinched nerve? Did it help? (I am on pain meds and rest when I can - I…
Doh! This ever happen to you? Back in the saddle?
I've been so proud of myself for the last two months losing 11 lbs. During this past 5 days or so, I have gone over my calories by almost 500 each day and as of today have put 4.5 pounds back on. INSERT LOUSY EXCUSES HERE. I'm now paying the price, but hoping that maybe this is a temporary gain and if I get back in the…
What's your favorite <150 calorie snack?
I've got string cheese and those 100 calorie snack bags. Anything else you like that's easy?
My Dr.'s Scale Must Be Broken
That's all...sigh...