Doh! This ever happen to you? Back in the saddle?

I've been so proud of myself for the last two months losing 11 lbs. During this past 5 days or so, I have gone over my calories by almost 500 each day and as of today have put 4.5 pounds back on. INSERT LOUSY EXCUSES HERE. I'm now paying the price, but hoping that maybe this is a temporary gain and if I get back in the saddle it won't take a month to get back where I was. I'm just feeling so low right now. I know its my own fault. I have my food plan ready for today so that I can resume. Anyone else been there? I just want to bop myself in the head and say "doh!!" Anybody else who has done the same foolish thing? Any words of encouragement?? :sad:


  • thisaintagame
    Yup. Just spent an entire month outta the saddle. I am not a health guru dr or anything else so take this as my two cents. From what I have read, 1 pound of fat is roughly 3500 cal. Overeating by 500 for 5 days =2500 extra cals. Most of your 4lbs is most likely water weight. Especially if your extra was high sodium. And your weight can actually vary from morning to night. My morning and night weight are 4-6lbs apart. It ticks me off so I randomly weigh in the morning on a given instead of weighing every day or even a set day every week.everyone has off days in their journey (or a month like me). Its life ot happens. Just dont let it hold u back.
  • donnace7
    donnace7 Posts: 147 Member
    Thanks thisiaintagame!!!
  • floop1207
    floop1207 Posts: 194 Member
    i've only been here a month and lost 7lb - or sometimes 5lb,,,,,,i've already decided not to go by the number on the scales so much as how my jeans fit.
  • lambchoplewis
    I did the same thing from May to mid-August. I gained almost 10 lbs and have been back at it for over a week. Feel great but have not lost anything but I know it will happen. I am back to weighing myself, logging food and exercise and reading these posts. The strict discipline works for me.

    You can't look forward if you are looking behind. Keep your eyes on your goal and don't worry about the past, you can only control what happens from this point forward.
  • mwilke
    mwilke Posts: 378 Member
    I have been away for the past month and a half. My workouts consist of weight lifting and jogging/walking. Heat and humidity have been so high that I am afraid of heat exhaustion/stroke if I go out to run. It's to the point that you walk outside and instantly sweat. So, exercising has come to a halt. Hoping that cooler weather comes back so I can get back to that. Seems like since I haven't been working out, I haven't been watching what I eat either. So, I am getting back to that today. It's just a mental game really. How bad do you want to be healthier? How bad do you want to feel better? You can do this if you set your mind to it!
  • swimbikerun2006
    swimbikerun2006 Posts: 29 Member
    Story of my life!!! Ya just gotta get that "mind set" back..Drink lots of water. I mean LOTS! You'll dump half that automatically; but still, it is important to GET BACK :)) Good luck!
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    I've been so proud of myself for the last two months losing 11 lbs. During this past 5 days or so, I have gone over my calories by almost 500 each day and as of today have put 4.5 pounds back on. INSERT LOUSY EXCUSES HERE. I'm now paying the price, but hoping that maybe this is a temporary gain and if I get back in the saddle it won't take a month to get back where I was. I'm just feeling so low right now. I know its my own fault. I have my food plan ready for today so that I can resume. Anyone else been there? I just want to bop myself in the head and say "doh!!" Anybody else who has done the same foolish thing? Any words of encouragement?? :sad:

    yeah! :) this is where people blow their diet and say "diets dont work". you start off running, and then at some point, you get tired of it and start to allow yourself the food that got you here in the first place.

    So since yesterday is gone, you only have today, and a bunch of tomorrows. so you gotta eat.. may as well just start with a new page and go again. Its frustrating to lose all the progress you made, but now, catch yourself and keep going. It may take a few days for the food to go thru your system and get it out, maybe a week, but then just keep going as if you didn't make any mistake, and thats it.

    the worst thing is to keep on indulging yourself and never stopping to get ahold of yourself. you will then most likely regain all your weight lost PLUS some.

    so just start again fresh! thats it. forget the past.. its gone.

    oh yeah i almost forgot to say, use that as a learning experience what made you go there, and then dont do that again. If you see that coming around again, you can use that knowledge to prevent it from happening again.. if it does happen again, then you need to find a way to deal with that trigger.
  • donnace7
    donnace7 Posts: 147 Member
    Thanks everyone. Hearing others' stories and advice is everything!:smile:
  • egrusy
    egrusy Posts: 196 Member
    This can happen very easily, and even if you gained it ALL back (probably mostly water weight BTW), beating yourself up over it does not help and will in fact hurt. ONWARD, eyes front and forward, every day is a new day :smile:

    *Editted: I always forget that the ":)" won't actually post a smiley here. I wanted a smiley :flowerforyou:
  • WattleGirl14
    WattleGirl14 Posts: 5 Member
    Yes, that's me too today. I am so cross with myself and I only have myself to blame. I have been doing that thing I always do a few weeks in a start to have a little extra. Start telling myself the same old lies ("i deserve it', " I will just have this bit", "eating a couple while i cook dinner, won't hurt", "i have been good all day so I can"). And then the nasty scales tell me I have put on 1.5 kg and I want to throw my hands up in the air like a spoilt child and say " it not fair" and give up.

    But today I went out at lunch and walked for 2km which I never do - and it wasn't so bad so maybe I will do it tomorrow too.

    Back in the saddle we go...
  • WattleGirl14
    WattleGirl14 Posts: 5 Member
    I love the "eyes front and forward" line... I am going to use that as my motivational line today.
  • lmckillo
    lmckillo Posts: 127 Member
    Yes done the same thing but I never give up, never quite trying. I will step on the scale and see a decrease in weight and then go ahead and eat more than I should. Of course then I think...why did I do that. Anyway I thing a lot of us make the same mistakes. Don't beat yourself up, just keep on keeping on
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I doubt that you gained 4.5 pounds of fat! To gain one pound of fat, you have to have a calorie surplus of 3,500 calories over maintenance level for your weight. There's a lot of fluctuation that comes with water intake, bowel movement, time of day, ect.
  • egrusy
    egrusy Posts: 196 Member
    I love the "eyes front and forward" line... I am going to use that as my motivational line today.

    You absolutely just made my day! Thanks right back!
  • Adrianachiarato
    Adrianachiarato Posts: 362 Member
    I will step on the scale and see a decrease in weight and then go ahead and eat more than I should.

    I'm the other way round. When I lose any weight then I don't want to eat at all as I'm afraid it will come back... lol
  • bethannien
    bethannien Posts: 556 Member

    You can't look forward if you are looking behind. Keep your eyes on your goal and don't worry about the past, you can only control what happens from this point forward.

    The most helpful thing I've heard on this site!