Gluteus needs more of a challenge
Does anyone have a real challenging workout for the glutes? I breeze through all of the standard body weight exercise, and I only have so many weights to add to my barbell for squats and deadlifts.
Gloves for pull ups?
So, I installed a pull up bar in my basement for P90X. Okay lets be honest, it is a metal rod from Lowes fastened between two floor beams. It is, however, able to hold a 500 lb person and the correct diameter for a proper grip. The issue is this, it is metal. Metal with sweaty hands leads to bad grip and callus. Should I…
Vegan protein powder
I am in the process of looking for a new protein powder. So,what have your experiences been with vegan protein powders? What is your favorite vegan protein powder? What vegan protein powder did you try and will not repurchase? (why?) Thanks for the help!