Looking for my fellow LGBT members
Looking for LGBT members to share giggles n motivation
1200 cal meal plans
Hey MFP lovelies. Has anyone got any ideas for 1200 daily meal plans? Or 500 cal meal ideas? I am struggling to be honest. Thank you sooooo much
Looking for LGBT members t share giggles n motivation.
Evening munchies
Hi everyone, myself and my lovely missus are trying to shift our extra timber, but we both fine that we can be disciplined and focused during the day, but evenings take a will of iron to resist temptation. Cravings are baaaaaaad!! I respect hugely, the people on here who have struggled all their lives with weight gain,…
Actually laughing out loud at some of these post,
Newbie looking for help
Hi there. VERY new to this app, all help greatly received :) btw.... I should mention that I am a technophobe, so this is a huge step for this old gal
getting started :)
I exercise like a freak, 5 days a week, but need to get my diet under control. Want to lose body fat so I can see the results of all my hard work. I intend to start tomorrow....... i am lead to believe that a protein rich diet is the best way, but simply dont know where to start. I think if i had a daily diet plan laid out…