Any Michiganders here? :)
Looking for people that share this state with me, for no other reason then to relate on something other than a fitness goal. lol
Who here as done the keto diet? :)
Low cal diets.
Before I begin, I DO NOT want people here bashing what I and other people may be doing. This is my choice, and it works for me, as I'm sure it does for others... Now, is there anyone out there doing exceptionally low calorie diets? And if so, is there any other criteria you're following? For example; low carb, low fat,…
People in their 20's wanna help challenge me? :)
It's all in the title. I am a former 300+ member. Last summer though, I lost 100 pounds, and during a lil bulk during the holidays I gained 30 (oops, lol). Wanna drop back down to about 220 for a start. Looking for some people with the same goals to compete with. ;) Anyone wanna challenge me? :) lol
Beards, ladies?
What are all of the ladies opinions on beards?! Yay, nay? Specific style that they like? I'm one that can grow a damn good beard, but never know what to do with it! lol, with my face thinning I am open to more ideas. Goatee gets boring! :P Some of my styles!