Shin Splints
I want to start running again but my legs are killing because of shin splints. Even walking at a fast pace hurts to the point i start to limp. Any suggestions or remedies on how to work past, or get ride of, or heal shin splints?
Water fasting has anyone tried it?
I'm looking into changing up my diet. I recently cut out process food sugars salt breads and red meat. I eat baked chicken breast or fish. But lately the chicken just hasn't been so appetizing and I'm looking into going vegetarian or vegan. I still struggle with bread, chocolate, and sweet cravings. And I noticed if i give…
Swollen Hands When Exercising
I just wanted to see if anyone else had this issue. Or if its something I'm doing when exercising or something I'm eating maybe. When I walk run jog.. Or lift weights my hands swell up really bad. When I'm walking running or jogging I have to hold my hands up by my shoulder to get some relief. But then my elbows start to…
Weightloss around Narcissists/Negative/Unsupportive people
Seems like the more I lose the more they hate me and pick on me. This person is a malignant narcissist and cant stand when I do anything positive for myself. They hate that I am losing weight and put me down and ridicule me every chance they get. They are more over weight then I am but still think they can control me and…
Fat versus Muscle
Fat is bigger than muscle right? 5lbs of fat looks larger then 5lbs of muscle. Doctors tell me that for a woman my height I need to weight between 130-145lbs something I noticed is some people carry weight differently. I have had friends that weighted less than me but were physically larger than me and vice versa. I played…
Work out rut looking into Boxing /kick boxing
I feel like i hit a wall i have losing a pound or two a week. But now I am stuck at 196lbs. I run or jog almost everyday, also run the stairs at the local track field. When i go to the gym i do cardio like the elliptical( which I love) and I lift weights and do some yoga. I need to break out of the 190's. I have started…
Negativity and Put downs by friends and family
Hello This is my first post. I just need to vent a bit and get some advice. I have had negativity from my friend/ co-worker and my mother. I try to work out 4-5 days a week. I count calories, watch my portions, cut out all processed food as much as I can. I also run/jog and run stairs every night. I eat pretty good most…