Logging Walks
Do you log walking when you are walking in a mall or grocery store? I feel like I spend a long time in those places sometimes and I am walking for a while. It might not be my fastest pace, but I am still moving around a lot and wonder if it still counts as burning calories.
Losing Weight Without Much Exercise
I am back at work and only have time to exercise once or twice a week now. During the summer, I was able to exercise almost every day. I still want to lose weight, or at least not gain any. If I continue to eat at around my 1200 calories, without exercise, will that still be possible? How many calories over would I have to…
Overeating On Protein and Fiber
On some days, I overeat on protein and fiber. I sometimes will also go over my calorie limit, but I mostly eat fruits and fiber rich food. Will this cause me to gain weight or is it okay because it's ultimately healthy food?
Staying Motivated
Before I even joined MyFitnessPal, I have always eaten pretty healthily and have exercised at least 3 times a week. Instead of losing weight, somehow in the last few months, I actually gained it. Has this ever happened to anyone before? How do you stay motivated this way?
Greetings from NJ
Hello all. I've been at this for a week now and I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm a teacher on my summer vacation and I am hoping to really use that to my advantage to get healthy.