Just kidding folks. I just wanted to see how many people was ready to come in here all butt hurt and ready to rip me a new one. Just think of it as a after April fools, April fools joke. But hey, maybe we can help the newbies. For all newbies, MEAL TIMING MEANS NOTHING! I do IF and don't eat my first meal till around noon…
I'm on a upper\lower power\hypertrophy split. My program calls for 3 to 4 sets of 5 reps of squats and dead lifts on my lower power day. I've moved them to different days because after squatting I can't hit the same weight for 5 reps as I can with them on different days. I would like to move the dead lifts back to my power…
I'm starting Wendler 5/3/1 next week. I can't wait to get started! I bought the Beyond 5/3/1 book to read and figure out different templates. I'm still deciding if I want to do the BBB template or go with one of the many hypertrophy templates I've seen online or in the book. My only issue with the BBB is I'm stuck doing…
Hey all, I have been into hypertrophy only training for the past year. I've done the main compound lifts fist followed by isolation work. Been working heavy (80-85% max) with progressive overload and reps in the 6-10 or 8-12 range. I've started doing Brandon Campbell's P.H.U.L. training program at the start of the year. I…
Hey everyone, Ya boy here needs some new meal ideas please. I am not talking about any of that hippie low carb stuff. Nothing against low carb but it isn't for me. I am an intermittent faster so my first meal needs to be around 700 to 1000 calories or so. I have been doing my own versions of naked burritos since I love…