Bye-bye to the EatSmart Scale
I gave it several weeks, but alas, I have opted to return my beautiful EatSmart digital scale. I had posted about this issue and many people here told me to keep up with this scale -- properly calibrate it, find that flat spot on the floor, leave it there. Alas, nothing worked. I was so excited to join the 21st century and…
Survived first 2 weeks back at school with NSVs
"School days, school days Dear old Golden Rule Days. Reading and 'Riting and 'Rithmatic ....." And buffets, and snacks, and brunches, and morning donuts. It's back-to-school, but not back to the old eating habits. As I type this blog entry, I am proud to say I survived the first two weeks back at school and am still on my…
Ow! Broken toe
Yikes! I guess I should be glad that I've just started exercising with weights. I was using a wimpy 2.5 pound weight and dropped it on my foot. I think my little toe is broken. It's all purple and blue and hurts like heck when I try to walk. And, of course, what am I thinking foremost? About how will I go to work tomorrow?…
Back to school and to old habits?
Tomorrow is back to school day. Summer is over and teachers must return to their everyday lives. And return again to the temptations of the workplace. The donuts in the mail room, pastries in the teachers lounge, and, of course, the non-ending fund-raisers of chocolate bars, pizza parties, and bake sales. Yikes! Lord…
11 pounds lost and I hate how I look
I've just looked in a mirror and I was horrified. I looked at pictures taken recently and I couldn't believe how awful I look. I have been in denial about my weight for so long, that I don't think I've actually looked at myself, REALLY looked at myself, for a couple years. Wow! How did I not notice how terrible I looked?…
Returning my EatSmart scale - not consistent
Wanted to join the 21st century and get a more accurate scale that would give me fractional weights. Well, the eatsmart scale didn't do it for me. It's highly rated on Amazon, one of their best scales. Glad it worked for other people, but after two weeks of trying it almost every location of my bathroom and bedroom, can't…
My NSV over climacophobia - fear of climbing sstairs
(this is my latest blog posting from http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/checkmatekingtwo ) Climacophobia - fear of climbing stairs. it's not a fear you see mentioned often. Climacophobia is the fear of climbing stairs. As an obese person, stairs are a great challenge for me. One of my great "wake up" moments about my weight…
Fear of Flying
I'm going on vacation tomorrow and I'm really nervous about getting on the plane. Am I too fat to fly? Are they going to ask me to step off the plane? Or require that I buy a second seat? Am I silly to suddenly to be nervous about getting on a plane?
Trouble with C-PAP machine
Hi! I was recently diagnosed with sleep apnea. I just received my C-PAP machine. I love how incredibly refreshed I feel in the morning' though it still takes me a long time to fall asleep at night. But I wake up with indentations across my face from having to strap the mask across my face tight enough to keep the pads in…
Delighted to find this site, started without you
Hi. I started seriously working on my weight loss about 6 weeks ago. I was doing okay but realized I really needed to do tracking of both my calories and my weight in something better than just my memory. Looking online, I found this site about a week ago. Perfect! What a help to be able to have the computer keep me honest…