Suggestions - Egg Recipes
What are the best most tasty ways to cook and eat eggs - egg recipes
Breakfast of champions- High Protein - Low carb looove it
High Protein - Low carb made this today, and it was scrumptious. - Best post workout breakfast i ever had, and it set me up for the day workout = 339 cals omelet = 431 cals True cost = 92 cals cals carb fat protein Tesco - Medium Free Range Egg, 3 egg 213 0 15 18 Co-Operative - Sardines In Tomato Sauce, 120 g 195 2 12 20…
worried about my Protein - Help
Hi guys, I eat a lot of chicken, and veggies, but sometimes i eat fish in the same day, taking me over my Protein goal, but staying within my calorie goal what effects will this have, i seem to be losing weight still, but i worry in case it will catch up with me.... any words of wisdom are welcomed thanks Christian
HIIT exersize
why is there no way of recording high intensity training on here........? I do 6 mins everyday until i burn out, followed by max output lifting for 8 reps (two sets of each exersize) and it is working very well for m, always has, but for some reason it only counts as 60 odd calories burnt....afterburn people.....i am…