I was thinking if I have too little lean body mass. I am 5'3" and 108 lbs. I don't know my body fat %, but I would guess around 22%. So that would mean that my lean body mass is only around 84 lbs. That seems low, no? I google about essential lean body mass, but couldn't find anything. Here are some pictures to gauge my…
How do you figure it out? Do you just use the online calculator to estimate? Or do you keep upping the weight and see if you can lift it?
My triceps are very weak, especially my left side. I can barely do 5lbs dumbbell one-arm extensions and kickbacks on my left arm. They are easier with the right arm. So what can I do to build up my triceps? And do I keep both sides at the same weight? Thanks.
Just for fun. The happy weight calculator: http://www.self.com/calculatorsprograms/calculators/happyweight And just curious, is your goal weight your happy weight? Based on this, I am under my happy weight currently, but my body still seems happy.
Which book do you prefer? and why? Thanks.
I found this a while ago, and thought I should share with MFP. Our bodies don't lie.