Underweight, stomach fat
Ok, so i'm about 5'5 and 106lbs which is slightly underweight and i havent had a period since around October (about 6 months ago) i am trying to up my weight a bit so i am healthy and get my periods but i also want to lose the fat on my stomach here are some pictures: side front fat looking up side/front Why am i like…
lower belly fat - skinny fat
I'm not overweight i am slightly underweight yet have a big pooch! How do i get rid of it? I am currently doing this routine each night: 20 crunches 20 leg lifts 20 wall push ups 20 squats 40 oblique twists 20 bicycles 20 bicep lifts (with drinks bottles filled with stones and water) Along with the february squat…
Kettlebells - choosing the size
Will using kettlebells help with this?? [img]http://i1281.photobucket.com/albums/a512/amberox4/3B64E3DC-AE29-46F3-9134-5479754A2677-666-000000ED11672514.jpg[/Iimg]I've been told to LIFT HEAVY so i thought about getting a kettle bell to start with, i am unsure whether to get a 6kg or a 8kg though..Most people have advised…
Do kettlebells work the core?
If you look at my other threads and pictures you can see I'm skinny fat. I was thinking if investing ing a 6kg kettlebell as I have heard good things about them, my questions are: 1. Will it help me build muscle? 2. Will it build muscle all over my body not just the arms? 3. Will it turn the small stomach fat I have into…
What weight kettlebell should I buy?
Okay I want to build muscle and have been told to lift heavy, but I have no experience with kettlebells. I'm skinny fat and want to tone up and lower my body fat by strength and weights should I buy a 4kg or 6kg kettlebell? By the way I'm female and about 106lbs if this helps, thanks!
What can i use to make HEAVY homemade weights?
I am skinny fat and am currently using small drinks bottles with stones in but they are too light :/ what can i use instead??
Skinny fat. Strength training at home - no equipment?!
Okay so i'm 'skinny fat' and i have seen quite a few pictures of people who have successfully gotten rid of their skinny fat abs from strength training. Although, my problem is i don't have any equipment and i cannot access any or go to a gym (for various personal reasons) so i was wondering what home objects can i use and…
lower stomach fat yet underweight?
my bmi says im underweight yet if you look at my pictures my stomach has a lot of fat but the rest of my body doesnt.. if anybody suggests weight training, i have no weights. I know i have posted similar threads before but i am still struggling and its getting me really down. Suggestions will really help! thanks!
Am I bloated, lack of muscle or have a health problem?
Please can I have links to weight lifting routines if that's what you suggest
Underweight but fat??
Hi, I'm 5'5 and 7 stone 8, which is classed as underweight but my stomach is still fatty.. http://s1281.beta.photobucket.com/user/amberox4/media/26E0C917-2BD3-46D0-8539-DFD5A217540B-2282-0000010C28476B3F.jpg.html?sort=3&o=0…
How do you build muscle on the abdominal area?
I need to get rid of this..