Okay :( I've been told this quite a bit before but I'm really no good at it :( I can never make myself eat more because I feel guilty and I never have the energy to lift my kettlebell because I'm tired from work
I can definitely see a difference! Your back arms and legs have tightened and there's muscle there! keep it up :)
I wish my stomach looked like this! :(
I've ordered an 8kg kettlebell to use will this help build muscle and lower my body fat do you think? Has anyone had any success with them?
im so stuck on whether to get a 6 or 8kg!
6kg or 8kg?
... Oh right okay thanks, I'm not lifting stall at the moment that's why I don't want to start too heavy
A few people have said get an 8kg but I'm afraid it I'll be too heavy! :/ I'll think about it :) aww thank you so much! Your comments have made me smile! Thank you :)
I'm not sure what exercises to do :/ the product comes with a sheet with exercises I think, I was going to follow that abd find others on YouTube to do also
bump - please :(
Yes okay i understand iv'e posted a fair few posts but new experienced people join the site regularly and may be able to give me some advice as well.. I've been trying to build muscle but so far haven't seen any changes and was wondering if i was doing anything wrong. Okay? Satisfied? -.-
im not getting lypo!! 1. Im too young. 2. It's too expensive. 3. I would prefer to achieve it myself. ^^ and thanks but i HATE it and am not happy at all so no that doesnt help haha
Wow! thank you so much i will definitely by using this! :)
wow! thank you everyone for the website links and advice etc :)
Thanks, i'll take a look at the video it looks quite good!
This is amazing!! I am currently 'skinny fat' and cannot get out of it! :( What strength training did you do to achieve this, was there a certain routine or weights etc?
I have been using Youtube but i cant find any that show which weight lifting i should do. I'm not doing core work anymore either
no i dont :/
Iv'e been looking everywhere :(
i want to start weight training but cant find any videos for weight lifting all there is is ab routines like bicycle and crunches which is not what i want... any one got any links to videos pleaseeeee!!!
Yeah i am going to see a doctor i think, and yes i am classed as underweight even though when you look at my stomach i don't look it :/ I want to do strength training but i don't have any weights and can't get any.. these are my arms:
Thank you. I know I am definitely not pregnant for sure! Haha. But it doesn't look right because it's out of proportion I have small arms, chest, rib area, legs, face everything is skinny and then my stomach is massive in proportion
Should I visit my doctor or no?
I don't drink any alcohol :/ and no it doesnt go away its always been there :(
Thanks, i know there is a layer of fat but im already underweight so i dont know what to do because i cannot start running to lose weight again as it just comes off in different areas? :(